Our professional and experienced staff are available 24 hours a day to guide and assist you with the personal decisions and choices you make in planning and organising Funeral arrangements for your loved one. We can arrange to meet with you in the comfort of your own home, at our Funeral home or a place convenient to you to discuss options and provide information in planning and organising the type of funeral arrangements that will suit your needs. Some of the things that could be discussed are:
If the arrangements are for a burial, cremation or repatriation (interstate or international)
Any cultural, religious or non-religious preferences
When and where the Funeral Service will be held
If private viewing is required
Your choice of coffin or casket
Other requested arrangements such as floral tributes, memorial attendance book, family mourning cars
Completion of the necessary paperwork for the services being provided
Our Non Attendance Cremation Service starts from $2300 which includes:
Our Professional Service fee
Transfer of the deceased into our care
Mortuary Care
Coffin (standard Contract Coffin)
Cremation Fee (At a Crematorium of our choice from Monday to Friday)
Doctor and Medical Referee Cremation Permit fee
Death Certificate from Births, Deaths & Marriages Registry